Monday, December 16, 2019

December 13th (Communications Group Christmas Luncheon)

On the 13th of December, we had our annual Communication group party. We meet for class all semester, once a week, and now it's time to celebrate! I'll highlight just a few folks from this big group. My friend shown here worked in finance before his stroke.

This one of our interns, choosing a gift to open in the famous "open it or steal it" gift exchange.  She chose our gift and loved it!

Our other intern had her gift stolen twice, but persevered and came out on top!

Our friends and instructor.

He does a "news review" for the class each week that really provokes a lot of conversation from us! It is absolutely solid!

Our friend Mari is making a great recovery. She got the "Waterfall" which I fell for and tried to steal. The game kept going, and I thought we were going to end up with a dud, but Krista made a trade with John's wife for a Starbuck's gift card - yay!

Vince was a Yosemite Guide and is very funny. His antics crack up the class.

This is John, always with a "help you" attitude!

The last gift was some very funky rainbow silverware. I think this may have been the "dud". It looks ripe for "re-gifting." Who knows which gift exchange it will go to next?